Kim C. Birtel - Mentor


Mentoring for people

We all have a purpose in life. This is usually initiated through hurtful experiences in childhood or drastic experiences. These also form the foundation for our special talents. In my mentoring sessions, I accompany people on this path of self-knowledge to discover their own life vision. There are often concrete occasions for this work that have to do with dissatisfactions, illnesses or crises and conflicts.

I think this work on your own personality structure is essential if you are in a position of great leadership responsibility. Self-clarification creates the space for you to offer yourself as a process facilitator to a group. In these mentoring sessions I impart knowledge and skills to transform groups through conflict work. As a result, you gain more satisfaction and create the conditions for personal growth.

„We are not rational and reasonable ‘consumers’, but rather nomadic herd animals preoccupied with survival.”

Mentoring for brands

The roots of brand management lie in industrialisation. And that is exactly how brand management often feels today.

2005 my search for a new model of brand leadership began. I researched depth psychology, cultural studies, trauma research and neuroscience. The result was a concept for archetypal brand management. It is based on the current view of human beings that is conveyed to us by today’s science. According to this, we are above all unconsciously acting and socially highly competent beings. We are not rational and reasonable “consumers”, but rather nomadic herd animals who are preoccupied with survival.

Based on these insights, the „archetype model“ for brand management was developed. The breakthrough for this approach came with my many years of successful support for Jägermeister. Since then I have facilitated about 300 brand workshops for large corporations and small start-ups. I mostly lead groups on the path of self- knowledge to discover the big and important idea behind the brand. From there, we playfully succeed in describing the meaning of the brand in the form of a narrative, defining the sensuality and formulating the invitation to self-creation. This process creates, depth, greatness and cohesion. The goal is to be guided through a powerful brand idea.


Mentoring for companies

Companies are multidimensional relationship systems that are dynamically shaped on the basis of goals and joint agreements. In essence, it is about propagating one’s own perspective on the world and us humans and acting in this sense for a better future. Seen in this light, a new form of leadership is needed today.

„Culture eats strategy for breakfast“

Peter Drucker

While officers and managers are a discontinued model of the industrial era, facilitators and moderators of diverse groups are now entering the stage. In a highly interconnected and very dynamic environment, many current methods of leading organisations simply no longer make sense. In the process of redesign, I support leadership through my mentoring. Together we develop new perspectives on the company and the leadership culture and design new approaches. One focus of this change work is the topic of „conflict“. Since 2012, I have been trained in this work by the international Process Work Institute. The systemic approach is incredibly effective, opens the eyes to the messages of conflicts and then resolves them. Based on these methods, I accompany board and management teams in transformation processes and contribute to new growth impulses.