My first book was launched at the end of May 2022 ( The first sales were so good that Amazon gave me bestseller status in 9 categories. Friends, acquaintances and colleagues congratulated me and asked for a signed copy. Shortly after, I was invited to my first reading.

The book is a topic and I like to be approached about it. So now I am an author. This new role becomes part of my identity. I add a new facet to the story I tell about myself. To make this story work for me, I need “things” that assure me I am a real author. Of course, a book, signed copies, social media, a stool on a stage, expectant faces, a publisher, Amazon, a printer, reading glasses (do I really need them) and lots of stories around the book as such. It’s made a little easy for me because our society and culture already prescribes many attributes of what it’s like to be a writer.
I can’t quite feel this role as a part of my identity yet, but give me some time. I am convinced that we all construct our identity in this way. It works when there is appropriate feedback about it. Last weekend I was talking to a young father. He is trying to figure out what it is like to be a father. I don’t want to compare being a writer with being a father, but the questions are the same. This inner and outer process is an exciting endeavour. For me, they are learning fields to expand our identity and to learn more about ourselves. What a privilege! Let’s playfully try out new roles and please don’t be so uptight about it.